Saying Goodbye to Senior Year and Hello to the Rest of Our Lives
Editorial By: Jaiden Linebaugh
As schools across the country begin to close, a halt has been put on all school activities. For most students, these closings have felt like a mini-vacation away from school where they can sleep in all day. For seniors, this makes for an early goodbye to the last four years of our lives and makes us question what will become of our futures. Everyone says that senior year goes by fast, but I didn’t think it would go by that fast.
Senior year is the time for students to make their final memories with their childhood friends before they all go their separate ways after graduation. Because of the schools being closed, many seniors are missing out on all of the memorable moments of their senior year such as their final high school spring sports season, senior prom, and for some, even their high school graduation. This is the year of lasts and after working so hard to get to this point in our lives, we won't even get to say goodbye.
As a senior, I was initially disappointed to hear that the rest of the year was put on hold. I was mad that everything I had done and worked towards to get to this point was just going to set aside; how can it can all go away in the blink of an eye? Then I realized that everything happens for a reason and this reason is important.
Due to recent events, the closing of schools is the best way to make sure that students stay safe from the harmful virus that has affected many people across the globe. Even though we aren't in school, we are still learning. Whether it be for school or the bettering of our future, we are still taking every chance we can to make our lives a little bit better. As of right now, some schools are closed temporarily, while others are closed for the rest of the year. I couldn’t be happier to know that there is still a chance that I could get to walk the halls of Knox County High School as a student again.
The students of the high school Senior Class of 2020 entered the world during 9/11 and are graduating during a worldwide pandemic; we are strong and we were made to get through this together. It may seem scary now, but we can’t think of this virus as a tragedy. We must think of it as a way to shape us into better people and prepare us for the rest of our lives. This moment in history will be something we will remember for the rest of our lives.